The Ultimate Guide For Getting Paid To Write For Blogs
Learn how to get hired and get paid to write for blogs
Have you ever wondered how people get hired to write for popular blogs? Have you ever wanted to see your name on large sites like The Huffington Post, U.S. News and World Report, or Forbes?
Well, there’s a very specific method successful writers have used to get hired to write for blogs, something not many people have been willing to share, until now.
Get Paid to Write for Blogs is the web’s most comprehensive online course that will give you a step by step approach to getting hired to write for blogs.
Created by Catherine Alford, an award winning full time writer who has been published on some of the world’s largest blogs, this course will teach you everything you need to know to start a successful online writing career. From creating the perfect portfolio, to writing an irresistible pitch, to avoiding burnout, Cat gives you a very detailed approach on how to build your career writing for other blogs successfully and correctly - right from the start.
The course features 29 highly detailed videos within 8 core modules:
Module 1: An Introduction to Writing for Blogs
In this module, I’ll teach you about the industry, how to define your writing goals, and how to decide what to write about.
Module 2: Preparing Your Portfolio
In this module, I’ll teach you how to make an incredible online portfolio and how to grow your network so more people see it.
Module 3: How to Find & Pitch Writing Jobs for Blogs
In this module, I’ll teach you several unique ways to find writing jobs and how to pitch professionally so you get the job.
Module 4: Pricing Your Services & Getting Paid
In this module, I’ll teach you how to decide what you’re worth as a writer and different ways to price your services and ensure you get paid.
Module 5: Confidence and Rejection
In this module, I’ll teach you how to feel confident even if you have no experience and have to deal with rejection.
Module 6: Organizing Your Topics and Deadlines
In this module, I’ll teach you how to organize your business, from creating topics to organizing your editorial calendar.
Module 7: Running A Successful and Legitimate Business
In this module, I’ll teach you the business basics of taxes, invoicing, and incorporating writing into your everyday life.
Module 8: Becoming a Full Time Writer for Blogs
In this module, I’ll help you decide if full time writing is for you and if so, how to transition from your day job and finally take that exciting leap!
Within each module, Cat gives you between 3-4 videos with sub topics like How to Define Your Goals, How to Create a Hire Me Page, How to Pitch Professionally, How to Decide What You’re Worth, Different Ways to Package and Price Your Services, How to Make Sure Clients Pay You, How to Feel Confident, How to Deal With Rejection, How to Create Hundreds of Topics, How to Manage Your Business Including Taxes and Invoices, How to Deal With Burnout, How to Know if Full Time Writing is Right For You, and many more.
So, if you’ve ever wondered if you have what it takes to write full time for a living or just make money on the side as a part time freelancer, this course will show you what it’s really like. It will also give you all the tools you need to build a successful writing business just as Cat has done.
Don’t just take our word for it. Cat has privately coached dozens of writers over the course of her career using all the methods she teaches in this course.
Here’s what they have to say:
Cat’s coaching program was just what I needed to kick off my freelance writing career with full force. I landed 5 outstanding new clients throughout the duration of the course and received new resources and information to help me grow my freelance business. Cat is so supportive and offers priceless knowledge and expertise about the industry. In months, I learned what some freelance writers take years to experience. Cat’s lessons helped me create a flawless pitch that I could send to potential clients with confidence in order to land good paying writing jobs….I’d recommend this course to anyone who wants to get serious about growing their freelance writing career and earning a solid income from it.
Choncé My Debt Epiphany
Cat is unbelievably available...You will definitely find yourself more knowledgeable and better off financially after completing the program.
Kirsten Indebted Mom
One of my main hangups on coaching programs was the price. Not only was Cat's program affordable, with the skills and referrals I received I was able to make $400 in freelancing income after my first month working with her.
Syed The Broke Professional
Working with Cat was instrumental in getting my freelance writing career off the ground. When I first started working with Cat, I was overwhelmed by my goals and had no idea where to begin! However, less than one month into Cat's coaching program I had a paid writing job. Cat was always supportive, yet consistently pushed me to achieve beyond what I thought was possible. I couldn't have done it without her!
Kara The Daily Whisk
I began the coaching program with one content marketing client and at the end of the 3 month coaching session, I had a total of 10 clients. Since then, I have been able to successfully increase my rates and be selective as to whom I work with. I was also approached by US News & World Report to join their freelance team and I now serve as a regular contributor for their Frugal Shopper blog.
Kassandra Dasent
Cat's coaching has been immensely helpful.. In the three months since working with her, I've booked business worth 130% of the cost of her coaching. This is a skill I'll be able to use to make money for a lifetime...I'm excited about the future of my business!
Jenna PFTwins
As you can see, several students have already made this investment in their writing careers, and the best part is that if you’re ready to work hard and take these lessons seriously, you can be well on your way to making back the cost of the course and learning skills to secure enjoyable and sustainable work for a lifetime.
The course comes with three different levels and pricing options:
Junior, Senior, and Master
The biggest benefit of the Master Level is access to incredible bonus interviews with highly successful writers and full time entrepreneurs including:
- Harry Campbell, full time entrepreneur and freelance writer for Forbes
- John Schmoll, full time writer and freelance writer for U.S. News and World Report
- Holly Johnson, full time writer and freelance writer for U.S. News and World Report and The Huffington Post
- Kayla S., a brand new freelance writer who gained 10 new writing clients and $2,000/month in extra income in only 9 months
- Gretchen Lindow, full time blogger and creator of a Pinterest marketing service for bloggers
- Shannon McClay, full time entrepreneur and freelance writer for AOL Jobs
Not only that, but Master Level students will have access to our community Facebook group, a master file of PDFs and documents full of information and organizing spreadsheets to help your writing business, and a lifetime of access to all course updates, new video additions, and more.
Here’s what’s included in each option:
- All Module Videos
- Ultimate Resource List PDF
- Goal Planning Worksheet
- All Module Videos
- Ultimate Resource List PDF
- Sample Editorial Calendar
- Sample Contract PDF
- Goal Planning Worksheet
- All Module Videos
- Ultimate Resource List PDF
- Sample Editorial Calendar
- Sample Contract PDF
- Goal Planning Worksheet
- Cat’s Huffington Post and U.S. News Pitch Examples PDF
- Bonus Video Access - Interviews With Successful Writers
- Access to Private Facebook Community
- Pinterest Marketing Bonus Handout
- Topic Tracker Organization Sheet
- Time Tracker Organization Sheet
- Business Finance Tracker Organization Sheet
- Lifetime Access to All Course Updates and Additions
The best part about all of this is that we offer a 7 day money back guarantee. After buying the course, take a full week to look at a all the videos. Don’t like what you see or don’t feel like we can help you? No problem. We’ll give you your money back no questions asked.
With a money back guarantee, a long list of testimonials from successful students, and a teacher who has been through it all herself, what are you waiting for? You truly have nothing to lose.
Make the next step and launch your online writing business armed with all the tools and lessons you need for success.
Robin The Thrifty PeachCat gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to launch my freelancing career, and I know I would have never taken that first step had I not taken her class. She truly knows the ins and outs of it all...I had a job within the very first week of starting, and I was able to make the money back for the course before it was even over. She really teaches you everything you need to know, so I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to try freelance writing.
Kristi Moderate MuseYour course on freelance writing was just what I needed to get started. I had no idea what I was doing three months ago, and today I was offered my very first paid writing job...I really couldn't have done it without your guidance, so thank you.
Tiffany The Life of TiffThis program was a breath of fresh air.
Jennifer Wanderlust WalletI started the course with no website or blog and a lot of self-doubt about becoming a freelance writer. I also joined during a time of tremendous change in my life, soon after moving abroad. Through the course I was able to start my own blog and learn a great deal about pursuing freelance writing. Cat is a tremendous source of knowledge, positivity and support, and I know I wouldn’t have a blog or clear steps for moving forward without her coaching and encouragement.